UV Boosting

Equipment for stimulating the natural defenses of plants using UV-C flashes


Improving crop protection using UV-C flashes

After discovering that UV-C flashes increase the resistance of plants to various pathogens, researchers Laurent Urban and Jawad Aarrouf filed a first patent in 2015. They then met Yves Matton, co-founder of Technofounders, with whom they joined forces and create UV Boosting together in 2016.

This innovative technology consists of stimulating the plant's natural defenses using UV-C flashes, triggering the triggering of a defense mechanism even before the appearance of an attack (pathogen, environmental stress, etc.). The plant is thus more resistant and damage is limited. UV Boosting equipment allows a flexible processing rate, adapting to most agricultural machinery and does not require consumables.


Significantly reduce producers' dependence on fungicide products

As regulatory restrictions become increasingly strict in recent years, UV Boosting aspires to significantly reduce growers' dependence on fungicides, starting with grape and strawberry crops. 

To date, more than seventy winegrowers use UV Boosting equipment in several French wine-growing regions and internationally (Italy, Spain, Switzerland, United States, Chile, etc.).

At UV Boosting, the teams are convinced that technological innovation and scientific research are sources of solutions for more sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture.

The Team

UV Boosting Management team

Diplômé de Sciences Po, Baptiste a commencé sa carrière au sein du Boston Consulting Group en tant que consultant en stratégie pour des fonds d’investissement, dans le retournement d’entreprises en difficulté et sur des sujets à forts impacts sociétaux. Il rejoint UV Boosting en 2020 en tant que CEO.


Musicien et amateur de bons vins, il garde un goût prononcé pour les vins d’Anjou – sa région d’origine.

Baptiste Rouesné


François a soutenu son Doctorat en Aspects Moléculaires et Cellulaires de la Biologie à l’Université de Strasbourg, après avoir étudié le fonctionnement des plantes pendant 3 ans dans le plus grand institut de recherche en biologie végétale du CNRS. Suite à ces travaux, il poursuit sa carrière aux Etats Unis où il s’intéresse au parasite causant la maladie du sommeil en Afrique pendant 5 ans à l’Université de Boston. A son retour en France et après avoir passé un an à étudier la fécondation chez les oursins, il retourne à sa  première passion, la recherche et le développement en biologie végétale en intégrant UV Boosting.

François Sement

Responsable R&D Biologie

They talk about it


The TF team brings a lot of serenity to the development of the start-up, thanks to experience accumulated over all these years on key subjects (fundraising, recruitment, management of industrialization, etc.). Today, I am convinced that we will succeed in developing UV Boosting to support ever more farmers and wine growers towards new, more environmentally friendly production methods!
Baptiste Rouesné
CEO - UV Boosting


Accelerate the agro-ecological transition, for healthy and sustainable agriculture

Respond to the climate and ecological emergency by offering innovative technological solutions and rethinking agricultural models in a sustainable, profitable and efficient manner.