
Agroecological and technological farms to produce organic vegetables


Accelerate the emergence of a sustainable, local and fair agricultural production model

The third agricultural revolution has begun, driven by the ecological transition, the necessary food sovereignty and the growing demands of consumers. This new agriculture is based on resilient production and distribution practices, supported by agronomic and technological innovation. 

NeoFarm provides local stakeholders with an innovative solution to accelerate the emergence and deployment of this virtuous market gardening model.


Feeding humans today and tomorrow

NeoFarm designs technological solutions for market gardens that respect sustainable agricultural practices, those of agroceology.

Installed on areas near towns, these farms supported by NeoFarm make it possible to produce organic and seasonal vegetables distributed locally.

In collaboration with local stakeholders, first and foremost communities and farmers, the NeoFarm team wants to have an impact on citizens’ consumption patterns.


Accelerate the agro-ecological transition, for healthy and sustainable agriculture

Respond to the climate and ecological emergency by offering innovative technological solutions and rethinking agricultural models in a sustainable, profitable and efficient manner.