Laboratoires Bioprotection

100% natural and effective treatments


Exploring nature to reveal skincare products with scientifically proven effectiveness

After realizing that there was no mosquito repellent that was both natural and effective in 2021, Dr. Claude Grison, director of the ChimEco laboratory, in collaboration with the venture builder Technofounders, discovered and proved the The effectiveness of a new original and patented active ingredient obtained from 100% natural resources.

The common desire to provide innovative solutions to concrete problems with a positive societal and environmental impact brought together the Laboratoires Bioprotection team to finalize the development of Crusoé and enable its production.

Laboratoires Bioprotection rigorously selects its suppliers and partners in order to respect the specifications of the strictest organic certifications. The results of scientific tests, proving the effectiveness of Laboratoires Bioprotection products, are published in order to guarantee real transparency to the consumer.


Develop a portfolio of holistic care with scientifically proven effectiveness

The team gathered around Laboratoires Bioprotection enabled the birth of the first anti-mosquito spray in September 2021, which quickly received an excellent reception from its users. 

This first step reinforces the team in its desire to expand the range of natural care: Laboratoires Bioprotection tests, formulates and enhances natural active ingredients in order to offer a holistic, healthy and ethical response to targeted problems with always scientifically proven effectiveness.

The Team

Laboratoires Bioprotection Management team

La Pr. Claude Grison est fondatrice et directrice du laboratoire Chimie bio-inspirée et innovations écologiques (ChimEco).

Elle est à l’origine de plus de trente brevets CNRS permettant d’utiliser des plantes pour dépolluer progressivement les écosystèmes terrestres et aquatiques dégradés, mais aussi d’exploiter les éléments métalliques que ces plantes ont concentrés.

Elle a récemment reçue le Prix de l’Inventeur Européen 2022

Pr. Claude Grison

Cofondatrice et Directrice Scientifique

Diplômé de l’ESCP, Edouard a débuté sa carrière en conseil en stratégie digitale avant de poursuivre chez Webhelp (Leader BPO relation client). Il a ensuite rejoint une startup en santé en tant que directeur commercial et chef de projet.


A la recherche d’un projet concret et à impact, Edouard s’est associé à Technofounders en 2021 pour développer Laboratoires Bioprotection et mettre sur le marché Crusoé, une gamme de soins 100% naturels et efficaces.

Edouard de Posson


They talk about it


At Crusoé we are committed to offering 100% natural AND effective skincare products resulting from extensive research. Thanks to a super agile team we successfully launched our first anti-mosquito treatment. We are working on many new segments that we can't wait to introduce to you soon!
Edouard de Posson
CEO - Laboratoires Bioprotection

Green Chemistry & New Materials

Rethinking industrial chemistry and processed products by promoting our natural resources

Propose sustainable and responsible alternatives for key industrial sectors such as chemicals in order to reduce their environmental impact and offer healthy and effective solutions to consumers.