
Visitor flow analysis solution for real estate companies and brands


Measure the audience of the busiest places in the physical world, with the accuracy of web-based solutions

Since 2016, Digeiz has brought to high-traffic sites such as shopping centers or airports, an audience measurement solution that allows you to monetize digital screens based on performance.  

The Digeiz solution generates extremely accurate statistics and aggregated on pedestrian flows, from video surveillance cameras. AI processes images in real time, on the fly and without recording, ensuring GDPR compliance.

The solution makes it possible in particular to count, segment by gender or age group and also analyze the complete journeys within the site.


Become the world leader in pedestrian flow analysis solutions

With +35 employees, Digeiz is currently working with European leaders, and is deploying its solution in 9 countries in 2022 and 2023.

Digeiz’s technological core of re-identification is unique in the world. Digeiz has beaten academic scores from top research teams (Max Planck Institute, Germany; Baidu R&D, China).

It allows applications in different verticals, notably security & safety, to help video surveillance operators reconstruct the paths of individuals on a network of cameras.

The Team

Digeiz Management team

Dirigeant engagé, Nicolas a cofondé un groupe de travail sur l’IA de Confiance avec les entreprises françaises de Computer Vision pour promouvoir l’impact sociétal positif de l’IA auprès des instances publiques européennes.

Nicolas Bouvattier


Diplômé de Mines-Paristech en 2011, Julien a pris goût à la recherche et à l’international pendant un semestre d’échanges à Caltech (CA). Après une thèse en simulation numérique d’écoulements bi-phasiques à Eindhoven (Pays-Bas), il a mis à profit son expérience en high performance computing et en mathématiques appliquées pour co-fonder Digeiz en 2016. Depuis bientôt 7 ans, Julien en assure la direction technique. Il a notamment pris le virage du deep-learning et fait grandir l’équipe technique de 1 à plus de 20 personnes.

Julien Desmarais


They talk about it


I came on board at the end of 2017 following my meeting with Julien (CTO) and Pierre (founder). All the planets were aligned: the desire to work together, a shared ambition and perfect complementarity between the 3 of us (sales, tech and consulting).
Nicolas Bouvattier
CEO - Digeiz