Bliss Ecospray - Equipment for high performance aeroconfined spraying


Reduce product losses and improve spray quality

Bliss Ecospray was launched in January 2021 after the meeting between Vincent de Rudnicki, who developed the company's technology, and Yves Matton and his associates who work within the venture builder Technofounders. Vincent de Rudnicki, researcher at ISTREA, attached to INRAE, has developed a technology allowingoptimization of the use of phytosanitary and organic products in wine crops.

Bliss Ecospray is a technological innovation based on high performance spraying confined using air blades. When the 2 air blades meet, the patented turbulence effect allows a drastic reduction in drift of products sprayed while improving the quality of coverage of treated leaves.

Bliss Ecospray


Optimizing viticultural treatments at the right dose

While regulatory restrictions have become increasingly strict in recent years, Bliss Ecospray aims to revolutionize the sprayer market thanks to its innovation aimed at optimizing the right dose to be used by winegrowers within their crops. 

To date, more than fifteen winegrowers have tested Bliss Ecospray sprays on more than 1,200 hectares in real conditions throughout France in parallel with the launch of the first industrial series.

Several ongoing exchanges with local partners will allow Bliss Ecospray to have a massive presence on French territory from 2023.

The Team

Bliss Ecospray Management team

Yves Matton

Yves Matton

Après avoir été formé au sein de l’Ecole Polytechnique et du MIT à Boston, Yves a rejoint le cabinet McKinsey & Company puis la startup américaine Local Motion afin de lancer et développer leur filiale Européenne avant sa revente au groupe AVIS / ZIPCAR. En 2014 il rejoint Technofounders.

They talk about it


Contact with Yves Matton immediately convinced me of the relevance of working with Technofounders, both in terms of human relationships and the skills provided in structuring the creation of the company.
Vincent de Rudnicki
Co-founder and Scientific Director at Bliss Ecospray


Accelerate the agro-ecological transition, for healthy and sustainable agriculture

Respond to the climate and ecological emergency by offering innovative technological solutions and rethinking agricultural models in a sustainable, profitable and efficient manner.