Creator of ecocatalysts® and biosourced molecules


Industrializing a new green chemistry sector: ecocatalysis®

BIOINSPIR ecocatalysts® are the direct emanation of the research work of the ChimEco laboratory, directed by Professor Claude Grison, co-founder and scientific director of BIOINSPIR. After more than ten years of work on the edge of green chemistry and ecology, Claude demonstrated that certain plant species concentrated metals and that these could be used as ecocatalysts® in green chemistry reactions. Due to their unique structures, these ecocatalysts® then prove to be more efficient and more responsible than conventional mining and petrochemical catalysts and open new avenues for the synthesis of greener molecules.

To create its ecocatalysts®, BIOINSPIR promotes invasive and depolluting plants which remain unexploited and represent a threat to biodiversity and the environment. In collaboration with the institutional actors responsible for their regulation, BIOINSPIR transforms these biomasses which are then no longer threats but tools to create molecules using a bioinspired approach that respects the environment.

The laboratory is directed by Claude Grison, co-founder and scientific director of BIOINSPIR.


Let sustainable chemistry be the new normal

BIONSPIR sees nature as THE source of inspiration for developing chemistry that is both sustainable and efficient. BIOINSPIR believes in the power of nature to build a more responsible and pleasant world, drawing inspiration from plants to change the way we think about chemistry.

With strong demand for biosourced products, more respectful of nature and humans, the cosmetics sector represents the first sector of opportunity for products resulting from ecocatalysis: biosourced solvents, odorous molecules, etc. Ultimately, opportunities for ecocatalysis applications can be seized across all branches of synthetic chemistry.

The Team

BIOINSPIR Management team

La Pr. Claude Grison est fondatrice et directrice du laboratoire Chimie bio-inspirée et innovations écologiques (ChimEco).

Elle est à l’origine de plus de trente brevets CNRS permettant d’utiliser des plantes pour dépolluer progressivement les écosystèmes terrestres et aquatiques dégradés, mais aussi d’exploiter les éléments métalliques que ces plantes ont concentrés.

Elle a récemment reçue le Prix de l’Inventeur Européen 2022

Pr. Claude Grison

Cofondatrice et Directrice Scientifique

Green Chemistry & New Materials

Rethinking industrial chemistry and processed products by promoting our natural resources

Propose sustainable and responsible alternatives for key industrial sectors such as chemicals in order to reduce their environmental impact and offer healthy and effective solutions to consumers.