Turning technology into impactful ventures

De-risking early-stage deeptech investment for impact investors

Our unique sourcing methodology combined with very strong operational support from the launch of each venture accelerates the path to exit, ensures efficient use of cash from day 1 and strengthens teams in challenging times.

Invest in our diversified funds

Capture value across our entire portfolio with our team of seasoned early-stage investment professionals

  • TF Participations I – 30m€
    2015-2024, Closed
  • TF Particpations II – 100m€ (target)
    2024-On going, Fundraising

Co-investment alongside our funds on a deal-by-deal basis

For professional investment teams, family offices or Angel investors directly or via dedicated SPV.


Companies built in 8 years


Company survival rate


Investment attracted


Tier 1 academic partners

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